Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

AutoBlogging on Blogger

Hey all blogger, i know many people are interested on knowing how to create fully automated blogger blogs, so I decided to make a simple guide !!!

What will you need:

So, here are the steps:

How to use it: First update these 3 files that are included on the pinger script pack: proxylist.txt and place a list of proxies on that file (remember to update the list oftenly!!!), pinglist.txt that contains all the ping services you wanna ping(i included a nice list on the file) and blogs.csv that contains your blogger blogs in this format: 'Title of the blog,/'

Now upload the pinger folder to your host and create a cron job to run the pinger.php file on the time rate you want(twice a day should be fine!)

And that's all. If you follow this steps you can create fully automated blogger blogs with no hassle!! If you have any other recomendations to add to this tutorial plz post it here and i'll keep this thread updated!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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